Tuesday, August 20, 2013

All Packed Up and Headed Out: Part 1

On July 30th we took our last trips to the storage unit, loaded everything else in the car and camper, and left our house in Alden.  As with all goodbyes it was bitter sweet.  Our place in Alden was our first home as a married couple and many good memories were made there.  It was such a cute little house and a nice setting but it also had many quirks like how it particularly excelled at growing mildew.  So with sad, happy, scared, and excited hearts we waved goodbye and turned the page in the story of our lives. 

We spent the following day at the Dzara household finishing up all our last minute packing for Alaska and continuing to try and get all of our ducks in a row.  That evening Bob was kind enough to take Jess, Maria, and I to the airport where we met up with Scott and Mo to embark on our Alaskan Adventure.  Alaska was such a wonderful, jam packed, and fun adventure that it’s just way too much for one post.  So in the interest of keeping my sanity and yours I’ve decided to split it up into several different posts that I’ll be posting up in the next few days.  We’ll see what actually comes out when I start typing them out but I think I’m going to do one on Fairbanks and touristy activities, one on fishing and Valdez, and one reserved just for the amazing scenery and wildlife of Denali.  I’ll try my best to post lots of pictures and keep my blabbering to a minimum.  So sit back, relax, and enjoy (uh whenever it is that I get to posting Alaska content that is, so maybe you shouldn't get too comfortable or relaxed, you might be there for a day or two).

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